

Specialists in Hospitality and Leadership Training Courses

If you want to achieve an optimal Customer Experience, make people feel really welcome, and stand out through effective communication and employee leadership, Letsgoactive training group is the right partner for you. For over 23 years, we have been a leader in achieving excellent service through providing training, workshops, and short courses in the field of Hospitality and Leadership.

Our goal is to help you from a passive to an active welcoming approach. From artificial to real communication and making customers feel genuine welcome with your organization. We are known for our unique vision on Hospitality and Guest Relations and our powerful Givability® training program. Our inspiring and effective practical training programs, along with our personal approach, result in happy customers, significantly increase of job satisfaction and sustainable improved outcomes.

We provide in-company training courses worldwide in the Hospitality Industry, in Healthcare, in Retail and any other industry. And we help leaders to lead I a better way and with a human touch. With our GIVING-Leadership program leading a team will become much more effective and easier. Welcome to Letsgoactive training group. How may we help you?

Givability® Training Courses

The ultimate Hospitality training

Givability® is the name of our inspiring Hospitality philosophy and training program. Giving produces a lot and that is why it is such a powerful tool. And because it returns almost immediately it encourages to continue and to do even better. Givability® ensures that your customers will feel very welcome and become a fan of both your organization and your people. It puts every single employee at the wheel and learns them to take initiative and responsibility and realize a genuine distinctive customer experience at any time.

The Givability® training program is build around 7 powerful principles that all contribute to a very welcoming atmosphere and turns every employee into a real leader in Hospitality.

Little secret: Giving is this case is never about pleasing!


Leadership Courses – GIVING-Leadership®

People-oriented Leadership of today – related to Givability®

GIVING-Leadership® is the powerful human-centered contemporary leadership style stemming from the Givability® philosophy. GIVING-Leadership® is characterized by the pursuit of empowering employees to be as independent as possible, allowing them to flourish and fostering the creation of an ‘extraordinary team’.

Leading with a focus on giving results in a high level of engagement, with employees who dare to take initiative and responsibility, resulting in a successful and driven team that all members are proud to be a part of, yielding better outcomes. GIVING-leadership® not only makes leading a team more effective but also genuinely easier!

We train formal leaders at every level within your organization. And of course, all aspects of leadership are covered. Our training sessions are inspiring and practical, yielding immediate results.




We provide training courses in English, German or Dutch all over the world!

over 850.000


over 150.000

in Givability®

with 12


active in 5


Celebrate your work!